Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who is Sending the Guns to Nigeria?

Who Is Sending The Guns to Nigeria

Dear reader,

Ordinarily, I wouldn't bother my readers with this disturbing material if not for two reasons.

One is the fast unfolding situation in the country and its current state of insecurity. I feel it is the responsibility of the press to inform Nigerians, as much as possible, such that the nation is either rescued by its vigilance or destroyed its complicity and inaction.

Two, its message is coming from a neutral source, from a foreigner who is not a native of Nigeria. With the umpire adjudged impartial, his verdict, even if it does not differ from ours, stands a better chance of acceptance.

Safe journey!


Who is sending the guns to Nigeria?
By Osae Brown

As Nigerians were on the street protesting over fuel subsidy removal, a British based man was being arraigned in UK over the shipping of 80,000 rifles and pistols and 32 million rounds of ammunition to Nigeria. The shipment included 40,000 AK47 assault rifles, 30,000 rifles and 10,000 9mm pistols.

According to a report by the BBC, the man whose name is Gary Hyde, shipped these huge arm cache without receiving permission from the relevant government department in the UK.

Read the remainder from the author at



  1. war is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe,as something that is not what it seemed to the majority of the people. Only a small inside group knows what it's about. It's conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses." - Major General Smedley Butler
    War and any modern conflict is big business for those who knows better! I believe this is the best hint so far in getting us to the bottom of why we're being bombed!"military product is manufactured primarily not for defense... but for profit" someone somewhere is smiling to the bank! Follow the money and surely it will lead us to who is behind all this.(I suggest we start with our security budget) Bravo Dr. Tilde

  2. The Nigerian authorities know the source of the guns but are just turning the other way in order to act out the script of dividing this country in connivance with the international community. There are so many unanswered questions by the Nigerian government which further fuels the suspicion that it is implicated in this orgy playing out.

  3. GOOD QUESTION but who will provide the answer is the main thing.

  4. Nigeria is sitting one buttock on a keg of gun powder and another on tinderbox

  5. This may help us and our confused leaders sit-up to the realities of the moment.

  6. Hmmmmm! May the almighty forgive us and save this country from falling aPart.

  7. Too much has happened and is still happening in Nigeria that people have turned their eyes away. From ritual killing, and corruption to all sorts of immorality. People pretend not to know the perpetrators of these heinous crimes because they (the few who are to speak out) benefit from them(the leaders-the perpetrators).I think it is the time to pay for our wrongdoings. Though, it is not too late to avert the impending danger if we change our conditions as TYPICAL Nigerians.
    In case we have not realised yet, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Rwanda are ahead and more civilized than we are because they have passed through where we are yet to reach. We should be courageous to check ourselves as every one of us is somewhat dubious from the lowest level to the highest. No nation degenerates to this level and would not have the price to pay. It is not Boko Haram, it is our wrongdoing, so let's face the fact.


  9. My God this is outrageous and nerve chilling revelation! Thanks to Osae for this can of worms and more thanks to you Bro Tilde for sharing it with more Nigerians. However, I'm afraid this cache may not be the first consignment to Nigeria. My advised is that; since our government has failed woefully in its primary assignment of safeguarding the lives and property of the citizens, let us all turn to our Creator, the Master Schemer and seek His protection against the evils of man!

  10. Nigerian government have more than enough to deal with and it is for all Nigerians to fasten our seat belt and face reality. Things are fallen apart with velocity of a rocket but we still have a chance if the government really intend to fix it. Pl Nigerian government be sincere and pick the broken pieces together.stop the looting and as well covering does criminals in the name of untouchables. You need to blindpold
    and be just, so as to take care of all these mess that is consuming innocent lifes like a bush fire in dry season. Pl we need our country, our properties and certainly our lifes.

  11. This is a very shocking discovery for me. I know that no one in the government is going to ever mention this article talk more of investigating so I will silently say a prayer for Nigeria and hope that when the time comes to unravel all the built up tension and conspiracies, the tide will sweep away all those who plot evil against us for monetary gains. May Allah have mercy on us all.

  12. The police force, d armies & all d security agants who we look up to for security,they are fallen victims of boko haram & bomb blast so they are also looking for security,we as an individual & nigerians at large should seek for mercy,ask God to have peace on us,HE should visit this nation with his mercy by the time God show us his mercy his protection & guidiance wil follow. At ds point we need to stop pushing blame on each other even d federal govt are tired of d situations in nigeria (boko hara) they dont know what to do let just pray for God's intevertion in d present situation & i belief God knows what to do to bring peace,he also knows what to do to those sponsoring & disturbing d peace of d country

  13. Need I say that Nigeria has been predicted to fragment by 2015 ( well if you like, the number of parts don't matter ) and some few who have been stealing from Nigeria all these years suddenly realise their people have nothing to fall back on, no investments etc. They have only done good for themselves with overseas accounts, now they do not want to loose out totally, their people will ask them questions, point fingers etc, so what better way to desperately cause chaos than loose what was never theirs in the first place.
    "War has always been Man's main occupation" let them import ak-47's, we will defend ourselves with rocket launchers.

  14. Thanks Dr. Tilde. I dont know why nigerian govt and the security personal playing with our intelligent? This will not happen without their knowledge. Therefore, urgent needed to reconstruct our securities due to high corruption.

  15. Kill PDP and all this madness wil stop. They'v proved beyound doubt that they but blood sucking vampires, completely incapable of maintaining Nigeria. They have consumed so much blood in the name of this faceless Boko Haram sect. All are lies.

  16. I wish this info could be republished by all the media in nigeria and in all the major languages as well as the local radio stations. Good job Dr. Tilde

  17. 80,000 riffles? And all you can hear is silent from the side of the government? The government most definitely be aware of this deal. When two weeks ago somebody was arrested in Kaduna with less than five riffles it was a cover page story of most of the National Dailies, why are our media houses silent on this case? Or are they also compromised? Any Nigerian that comes across this piece and never make an attempts to alert the ordinary Nigerians, posterity will not forgive him. Let our media houses give this story the widest publicity may be that will compel the authorities to investigate the matter. We are really passing through a trying moment in this Country, may the Almighty God continue to exposed those devilish people and their sponsors and cronies Amgen.

  18. Muhammad Tukur LamidoJanuary 25, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    The arms in question were imported way back 2007.This means that they are already in the hands of the wicked causing havoc to the lives of Nigerians.The National Assembly should as a matter of urgent public importance investigate this issue.

  19. The ony solution to this will be a total overhaul of the security outfit of our country. May Almighty deliver us from all evil.

  20. "The activities of Boko Haram, the continuous crisis in Jos is no doubt raising serious concerns and fears of retaliation from other ethnic groups. Could this inflow of arms be linked to ethnic groups arming themselves? Are they arming themselves to defend themselves or to go on the offensive?" Dr Tilde, why "ethnic group" and not a religious group seeing that Boko Haram are Muslims? Are you finally afraid of retaliation from the other "ethnic groups" in Jos? Push must come to shove one day and all parties must inevitably receive their due reward, sweet or bitter.An ill wind blows no one good.

  21. Mr James,

    I didn't write the article sir. So I didn't use "ethnic group". In fact, i am more inclined to your proposition that the weapons could go to religious groups as well. I have nothing to lose by saying so.

    Please forward your complaint to the author whose web address I have given at the bottom of the article.

    Thanks sir.

  22. this thing called nigeria should be suspended for at lesat 25 yrs

  23. The likes of James in Nigeria are the major divisive elements and harbingers of doom for the country. When serious issues bordering on security are being discussed, they bring in the ethnic and religious cards. That is the agony of sharing a country with people who will always see nothing right if not seen through their prism. Does he think that if the Country is awash with arms and all ethnic and religious groups become fully armed the country's equation will still remain balanced???

  24. Dr. Tilde.
    A very good information. The insecurity situation in our country is designed by both national and international happy trigger merchants. This was further encouraged by the authorities who turned their faces despite all the revelationson this sensitive issues because of reasons best known to them. Where are the journalists why cant they follow this kind of cases. This type of information should not be thrown away.The stake holders should fight to ensure recovery of the said weapons or leave to be the victims of their inaction.

  25. Thanks Dr Tilde for informing Nigerians on this very important and sensitive issue. It is up to our security outfits to unearth those involved if they are capable of doing so anyway.
    The present security challenges this country is facing has grossly exposed the incompitence of our security personnel and one wonders what have they been doing with their budgets all these years that we are at peace.
    And to James i will say please go and read the history of Nigeria well and find out how the ethnic groups relate to each other(the strong and the weak)just before the coming of the white man. Just for your information if all the ethnic groups will have arms to defend themselves i bet you 90 % of them will be wiped out within days including Mr Jame's.It is very important that people should not be illusioned by this euphoria in Nig called democracy.
    I think Nigerian history should be made compulsory in our secondary schools just like in the United States.
