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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Maitama Sule: Death and Hypocrisy

Now that he is dead, he has extinguished in men the fire of envy, fear and hate so that their hearts are free to see and acknowledge his good attributes that were hitherto denied, suppressed or neglected.
That is the attitude of the majority that is often blinded by envy and lack of intelligence to see the good in others who would have brought it progress while living. Instead, it goes for the rubbish in life that is not strong enough to challenge its interest. As soon as the good is dead, the world is filled with praises for his qualities, yes, precisely because his absence does not challenge anyone. It gives our mind the freedom to acknowledge the good when it is too late. Kaito.
What prevented us from discovering the good qualities in Maitama Sule and using them to our benefit when he was living? Why didn't we refer to him or his like on crucial matters of state if we at all believed he was so wise but were only happy to consign him the status of an elder, meant to be used for PR purposes but never to be allowed the position of authority in spite of his qualities? Why did we forget that they even existed among us, while we keep saying, "Arewa ba ta da shugabanni." I even once heard a sweeping statement - twenty years ago -that there was not a single statesman in Nigeria. Was Maitama and his like dead?
Let us not forget that he was among the six NPN presidential aspirants in the Second Republic. After the elections, he did not even make it to the kitchen cabinet, but humbly accepted the fate of a life in exile as our ambassador in far away New York. That is life. It denies.
Why must we wait for death before we discover the blessing of God? Why must we lose something first before we know its value? Does this say anything about our level of intelligence or the degree of our hypocrisy?
Alhaji Maitama Sule is dead. And here come the majority, awakened, singing in chorus his praises. That is death. It gives.
May Allah have mercy on his gentle soul. Danmasani, ka kwanta lafiya. Muma muna tafe.
Sounds weird, as usual? No regrets.
Dr. Aliyu U. Tilde

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