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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Advice to Magu

Since the inception of EFCC, every government has been faced with the overpowering temptation to use it as an instrument to suppress either political opponents or civil right activists, or both.
What has been reported in the past six months does not exempt this government of change from the above accusations.
Also, detaining Abu Siddiq has shown that Magu himself is deficient in tolerance. At worse, my hero could have just denied it with facts and go about his normal business while we crucify Abu Siddiq for propagating falsehood. How many of us will he go about detaining? He should book a cell for me and for many others at his headquarters right now.
The fight against corruption is one of the three pillars of APC campaign promises. APC and some elements seem bent on demolishing that pillar. The picture we have so far is that APC is happy to fight the corruption of yesterday but very willing to enjoy doing it today.
The party and the government must change because it is time for change. It must abandon its state of denial and attempts to placate Nigerians with propaganda. Babangida never denied corruption; in fact he was so honest that he never uttered a word against it in all his speeches. Obasanjo loudly acknowledged its presence by forming EFCC. Jonathan agreed it existed in his government, only that he complained that he was misquoted as saying it is mere stealing.
This government must not be less honest. Let's see it fight it from within too. Let the language change from "we will" to "we are", with evidence to prove so.
I advise Magu to either stand for justice or quit with honour, but never be an instrument for suppression of truth. If you refuse, providence will judge you as just another dog in the service of corrupt leaders.
10 August 2016

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